Friday, October 31, 2008


Like two weeks ago, in my usual moment of weakness and depression (lol), I texted him - I mean my little Chechen sweetie. I asked him out. He answered almost immediately. Then he hurted his arm in a kind of 'pub fight' with some dumb Russians or what and had to stay home for a while.
We met yesterday, after almost two years. We sat in a very decent bar near our dorm, he drank whisky and I had something like 5 glasses of wine (not as decent as one would have expected for the price it cost but whatever).
I also got to know some very important details about his life, for example his name (yeah, two damned years and he wasn't really able to tell me the real one) or the fact that his daddy and both brothers are doctors - after a few hours talking about me studying medicine.
Then we apparently got drunk, at least me, surely. We started to talk about relationships, fucking and one-night-girlfriends. I took him to the dorm, 4th floor, view of THE TOWER, ohh so romantic. We kissed there for a while, I listened to some compliments about my ass and stuff, he admitted he would fuck me right there and he asked me to stop otherwise he would have really done it.
I went out with him, he pointed out that I should certainly sometimes call him and when I was going back to my room, no matter the alcohol, I was laughing so hard cuz this world is totally crazy.

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